1 min read
28 Oct

I started working at Nelson House in October. It has been an awesome experience, the experience that fills my soul.

For the first 3 weeks, I didn't have an DA, the DA they used to have didn't show up, tried contacting her repeatedly, so I had to do all my bookings, sanitizing, instrument processing, cleaning, sweeping, mopping, garbage, monitoring . I did manage to find a new DA recently, Crystal. I am training her currently and she is a quick learner. 

The highway to Nelson house is in good condition except for when it rains, it's slippery when muddy. I haven't experienced driving on black ice yet, keeping my fingers crossed X 

There is wildlife on an around the highway. I saw a red fox, a white wolf, tons of snowbirds so I do drive below the maximum speed limit. 

The patients here are nice, courteous, I get to see a lot of kids, I love working with kids. I get to do a wide range of procedures that I am comfortable with, the more complex ones I refer out to specialists in Winnipeg. I truly enjoy my work. 

Looking forward to many glorious years serving the communities of the north. 

Your friendly travelling dentist. 

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