1 min read
05 Sep

Hello TTD friends,

In the last post, we discussed the NDEB equivalency process and talked about AFK preparation. Today, we will discuss the dos and don'ts of the day of the your AFK exam. So let's start, shall we? 

1. Do not study the day before the exam. If you wish, just revise the eruption and shedding sequences and drug doses once and then just relax.

2. If you have anxiety, talk to your doctor at least a month before the exam so that if you get a prescription, you have enough time to determine if the medicine is helping you or not. 

3. Do not change your answers the day before the exam; it will only cause panic.

4. Try to stay away from social media starting at least a day before the exam and do not open up Facebook or study groups during this time.

5. Do not try anything new on the day of the exam. Drink coffee only if you have been drinking it before; it's not the day to experiment. Try teas, coffees, energy drinks etc. weeks before the exam, so you know what works for you. Personally, coffee gives me jitters, so I had to find more herbal alternatives.

6. Get a good night’s sleep before the exam day. This is crucial. Your brain needs that time to memorize everything, don't be surprised if you find yourself revising topics in your dreams! If you have trouble sleeping try herbal teas like passion flower but don't try anything new the day before the exam!

7. When you are busy studying, it's easy just to grab junk food. Refrain from doing so. Eat healthy food.  Your brain needs that clean energy and nutrients to function correctly. 

8. Have a healthy breakfast on the day of the exam. If you are like me and feel nauseous before any significant exam, drink homemade smoothies made from real fruits and veggies.

9. Take a hearty lunch with you to the exam centre. I took bananas, a cup of smoothie, coconut water, a veggie sandwich. Eat something that won't make you sleepy during the afternoon session. Do not go to Tim’s or Starbucks on the university campus for lunch as those places will be jam-packed, and believe me, lunch break will just fly by. So reduce one stress of finding lunch by taking your own. 

10. Regular exercise is essential for our brain. Go for walks every day, it relaxes your mind and body gets the much needed fresh air. It's vital that you take a long relaxing walk the day before the exam. It will help you sleep better too. 

11. Go check out your examination center the day before the exam; believe me, it decreases the anxiety related to an unknown place.

12. On the day of the exam, reach your examination centre at least 30 minutes before the start time, so you have time to relax and do some deep breathing before the exam.

13. Do not, and this is very important, do not start revision in front of the examination centre. You will find other candidates glued to their books, don't fall in that trap. Do not discuss anything with anyone at this time. Keep praying in your mind and continue with deep breathing. 

14. During the exam, if you don't know an answer, skip it and come back to it later. Don't get stuck on one question; time is limited, use it wisely.

15. During the lunch break, rehydrate properly and do not discuss the morning session with others at this time; it will only cause stress. 

16. After the exam, don't go running to social media to see what others are saying about the exam; give yourself time to rest and recover from a very stressful exam. Enjoy the evening with your family.

I hope these tips help you prepare your mind and body for the exam. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to leave a comment below. 

We will discuss ACJ in the next blog post! Till then don't forget to breathe! 

Wishing you all a Zen day, 

The Travelling Dentist

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