1 min read
28 Oct

Hello TTD friends,

I signed the FNIHB contract in August and started working with them in September. There was a delay this year because of COVID, usually, the contracts are finalized during the summer. I loved spending summer with my kids out on trails all day, playing by the river, watching the birds, I even took up photography. Thompson is a beautiful place for sure!

There were lots of reasons why I chose FNIHB.  It offers the flexibility to manage my schedule and take time off when kids are not in school like during Christmas break, spring break and even summer break! I knew I felt a tug towards working on the reserves, it was my calling and now that I am working there, I know I made the right decision. It is very rewarding, knowing that I am making a difference. 

Before I started working in communities, I had to go attend an orientation at the Regional Dental Unit, Winnipeg. It was a full-day orientation, where I got to know the staff at RDU, the procedures and operations, paperwork etc that is required of the dentists during and after their weekly shifts. 

RDU recently started a mentorship program and they started providing a loaner kit to new dentists. Dr. Judy was kind enough to agree to mentor me during Covid. She made me familiar with Covid protocols, day to day running of the clinic, booking in patients, shocking water line, testing water etc.  I am so glad I found such an amazing mentor. She is an amazing dentist and an amazing human being. I was mentored at Oxford House, I will share that experience in my next blog. 

Till then,

Yours Truly, 

The Travelling Dentist.

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